Our unique, brand-focused approach to reputation management strategy establishes a positive, sustainable search profile no matter what you’re up against.
Our experts use patented technology to map out your entire search landscape and develop a custom-built strategy to resolve issues, and fortify your reputational footprint against future threats.
See how we deliver long-term success and real ROI.
Fortify your search results to protect your brand from emerging threats and future issues.
Reduce the potential impact of a crisis and recover from viral news cycles more quickly.
Build a positive, sustainable reputation in organic search and generative AI.
Manage your reputation in search and generative AI.
Impact AI Overviews, Gemini, ChatGPT, and more.
Balance out the unfair, unflattering narratives
Our multimodal approach establishes, strengthens, and protects your reputation in search engine results and in emerging AI platforms through generative engine optimization (GEO).
Generative AI like Google’s AI Overviews, Gemini, and ChatGPT garner billions of visits and each AI tool is a rival storyteller.
Despite the fast growth of generative AI platforms and AI search, we’ve already achieved strong controllability in AI platforms to correct inaccuracies and secure your story and reputation.
Fortune 1000 companies, high-profile public figures, CEOs, and billion-dollar B2B category leaders choose our online reputation management (ORM) services.
Our team delivers unprecedented brand reputation results and we have a proven track record with case studies and metrics to back up that claim.
Client Testimonial
ReputationManagement.com gets 11 points out of 10 from me. Their approach is so logical and they quite simply get results.CMO , Fortune 500 Company
Brand image and a company’s business reputation are priceless assets that deserve the best ORM expertise available.
Choose a reputation management services partner whose proactive strategies achieve a positive and controllable online presence. Terakeet can help dictate public perception, address online reviews and review sites, influence social media, and impact what generative AI platforms are saying about you.
Learn More About TerakeetExplore our blog to learn why your online reputation is important, how to protect it, and how to choose the right ORM firm to partner with.